Variable Visions

Shopping Cart Abandonment

Published Wed. Dec. 12, 2012

We all add items to online shopping carts and bail on the final purchase. We do this while price-shopping, shipping too high/confusing, may place order later, price too high, no guest checkout, to much information required, lack of payment options, or if there is something that turns us off about the site/checkout process. This is known as shopping cart abandonment. The percentage in one of our NetSuite online stores is around 65%. This seemed high to sales, but it looks like the average.

There are things you can do to improve this like adding a guest checkout, and making your checkout experience with as little steps as possible. This is easier said than done…there is much difference from a standard NetSuite shopping cart and a full AJAX ecommerce site.

I’m working  on reminders for abondoners…perhaps an email to those who have items still in their carts or a large visual on a site that has previous item cookies that says “Hey you forget to finalize your order last time”

Sales>Reports>Shopping Cart Abandonment