Variable Visions

Two different ways to achieve Free Shipping in Netsuite

Published Wed. Oct. 25, 2017

-Advanced Promotion.
You can achieve this by setting a 100% off on certain shipping methods, but the promo code is needed to be entered manually, or passed with a promotional URL.

This is an OK solution, but the cart really is not ‘smart enough’ to really know if your subtotal is over $50.
It will only work with a promo code.

The other way is to use shipping items and shipping rules.
I created a shipping item/rule and set to
free if total is over $50 and
only available to orders over $50.

This way, you can offer free shipping on orders over $50, but a promo code is not actually needing to be entered or pushed with a promotion url. The cart is now ‘smart enough’ to show the free shipping method if the order subtotal is over %50.

Advanced promotions are great for more complex promotions, but a shipping item/rule is a better solution for offering free shipping on orders over a specific total.

You can also create specific shipping items to offer a low flat rate, to items under certain weights. You may want to offer a cheaper method when shipping stickers, as opposed to heavier items.